Sunday, June 15, 2008

Getting ever closer to being really done, Eddie works to tie the imagery together and adds faces to the Colman Girls (the black & white photograph contributed by Ms. Ora Adams). Also depicted in the visible panels below are the Millers, Flo Ware, Vince and the Jackson street trolley.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Today we loaded four mural panels in Meg's truck and brought them over to the museum. Above is one of the panels. Eddie will be finishing the panels once they're up on the wall. The next step is to have a community mural day on June 15 where we can hear some stories by the people depicted in the mural, watch Eddie paint and have some fun. More info about that coming soon.

By the way, here is Eddie next to Larry Gossett in a recent Seattle PI photo article about the 40th year anniversary of the Black Student Union sit in for civil rights at the UW.

I vote for including this image in the mural!

Click here to read the article